Tech Wholesale's Two Way Radio Blog

Best Uses for Two-Way Radios for Schools

Keep kids Safe! That's Priority Number One for every parent. But what happens when they head off to school? To protect students and keep operations running smoothly are two great reasons for schools t … read more

UHF or VHF: Which is Best for You?

UHF or VHFIf you're not already an experienced two-way radio user, the terms "UHF" and "VHF" likely don't mean much to you. However, in the radio world, these two options can make all the difference w … read more

Protect Your Neighborhood with GMRS Radios

Whether your neighborhood already has a designated neighborhood watch or you're looking to start your own, you'll likely need a radio to communicate with the rest of the watchers in your neighborhood. … read more

What is Two-Way Radio Trunking?

There are a number of ways to operate a two-way radio, and although these devices may seem simple, some of their more advanced uses are fairly complex. One of these unique usages is something called " … read more

Run Better Group Tours at Your Business

Whether you run a brewery or an industrial plant, there are a number of job sites that give tours to small groups. When you're conducting a group tour, you'll want to have a reliable walkie … read more

How Secure Are Two-way Radios?

While many people use two-way radios for work or recreation, some people use them for more personal or confidential matters. Many people think that with a simple switch of a channel you can acces … read more

Best Radio Accessories for Your Walkie

To really optimize your chosen walkie talkie set, you'll need more than just the receives themselves. Whether you're using them for personal, recreational use or to keep things safe and productiv … read more