Do you find yourself constantly running around, searching for team members to help customers or retrieve inventory? It's time to take control and boost operations with two way radios!
The Best Two-Way Radios for Auto Part Stores
What do you need in an Auto Parts Store Radio?
With walkie talkies for auto parts stores, you can offer the best service for your customers. They'll then thank you with their repeat business and word-of-mouth advertising!
The Best Walkie Talkies for Auto Part Stores
There are many reasons for an auto parts store radio system. If an employee is waiting on customers at the counter and needs to bring out a part from the storeroom, they can put out a call without leaving the customer. Walkie-talkies for an auto parts store streamline shelf stocking, shipping and receiving, saving a business both time and money. Your team will work a lot more efficiently when they can easily communicate with each other, ask questions and get immediate answers.
For auto parts stores, radios must offer hands-free operation and the right accessories to make them easy and comfortable to use. They must also be reliable and of the highest quality for continual use. For these reasons and more, the communications experts at Tech Wholesale recommend the Motorola CLPe series, Motorola CLS series and digital Curve series two way radios for auto parts stores.
Extremely User-Friendly
If you're looking for a two-way radio that's extremely easy to use, check out the Motorola CLS1110 and CLS1410. These 1-watt radios offer 1 channel or 4 channels, and they're especially recommended if you frequently must train new employees. They feature a compact, lightweight design, front panel LCD display, dedicated business frequencies and interference elimination codes. Motorola's CLPe series radios are also perfect for retail settings, as they're also compact and can be discreetly worn on a uniform. Like the CLS models, they -provide hands-free communication, and the CLS radios come with an earpiece and microphone. They're also repeater-ready, if you need greater signal range.
Digital Radio Options
For the best in digital technology, choose the Motorola Curvetwo-way radio. This digital radio offers the best in interference-free private communications. Unlike analog radios, the signal remains strong to the very edge of the coverage area. Digital radios also have attractive features found in cell phones, like the ability to speak to a person privately in addition to calling the entire team. Digital radios can also be used without an FCC license.