School Campus Two-way Radios Promote Safety & Other Benefits

Two-Way radios for Schools can increase safety!

Two-way radios are a great tool for school campuses that promote safety! With the amount of tragedies that have occurred in the past few years on school campuses, the need for a strong school security plan is dire, and having an open and dependable way to communicate is a great way to increase safety and awareness on and around school campuses. School campus two-way radios not only help maintain safety, but also improve coordination between various teachers and faculty that can be very beneficial to a thriving knowledge setting. If you’re school doesn’t utilize school campus two-way radios, the following statistics might open your eyes and re-consider!

  • Two-way radios can be used to contact campus security in the event of an emergency.
  • Campus security can be notified from emergency officials if a threat is currently presented outside or near the campus.
  • Two-way radios are a great way to help organize school events, while also making show everything goes smoothly.
  • Communication between faculty and staff can be done with a simple click of a button. If an emergency is presented, faculty can notify staff without causing wide spread panic by making over-the-air announcements.
  • School campus two-way radios allow for custodial to be alerted in the event of a spill, which can cause slips and falls.

The benefits of school campus two-way radios are endless, but the need for a dependable communication tool amongst the nation’s school campuses is extremely necessary. 

If your school or the schools your children attend don’t have a proper communication system, consider suggesting school campus two-way radios.